The policies and procedures below govern the operations of Great Rivers BH-ASO and are based on applicable State and Federal Regulations. All policies are applicable to Great Rivers BH-ASO, delegates, contractors, sub-contractors and any other downstream entities. Policies and procedures are reviewed annually and updated as necessary.

Policies and Procedures


+ Administrative

1000.03 Administration of Policies & Procedures
1001.00 Personnel Files
1002.01 Confidentiality
1003.00 Signature Authority
1004.00 Budget Modification
1005.00 Travel Policy
1006.00 Use of Cellular Phones
1007.00 Meals, Coffee and Light Refreshments
1008.00 Conflict of Interest
1009.00 Non-Discrimination
1010.00 Governing Board
1011.00 Staff Orientation and Training
1012.00 Telephone Directories Listings
1013.00 Adherence to Laws, Regulations and Policies
1014.00 Disaster Recovery
1015.00 Travel Advance
1016.01 Organization Credit Card
1017.00 Records Management
1018.00 Public Recods Act

+ Fiscal

2000.01 Investment of Residual Cash
2001.01 In Kind Donations & Services
2002.00 Purchasing
2003.00 Inventory & Disposal of Property
2004.01 Internal Controls and Segregation of Duties
2005.00 Out of Network Payment Coordination
2006.02 Third Party Resource Requirements and Coordination of Benefit
2007.00 Closeout
2008.00 Financial Reporting
2009.01 Funding Allocation Policy
2010.01 Reserve Funds
2011.00 Fiscal Monitoring
2012.00 MCO & HCA Billing Policy
2013.00 Asset Management

+ Information Systems

3001.01 Provider Information Systems
3002.01 Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery
3003.00 Authorization for Treatment
3004.00 Modalities & Services Codes
3005.00 Episode of Care Definition
3006.02 Data Submission Time Line
3007.00 Required Data Collection
3008.00 Client First Contact
3009.01 Information System Security
3010.01 Security & Confidentiality
3011.01 Data Certification
3012.00 Provider Data Certification

+ Contract Compliance

4000.02 Compliance Program 2024
4001.03 Program Integrity
4002.01 Compliance with Applicable Federal & State Laws
4003.01 Fraud & Abuse Compliance
4004.01 Oversight of Protected Health Information
4005.01 Anti-Retaliation & Whistleblower Protection
4007.01 Whistleblower
4008.01 Debarred or Excluded Providers
4009.02 Delegation Functions
4010.03 Monitoring of Contractors
4011.01 Critical Incident Reporting
4100.06 Provider Agency Credentialing
4101.02 Licensure Certification or Registration
4102.02 Credentialing Committee & Representative
4103.03 Credentialing Range of Actions
4104.02 Credentialing Confidentiality
4105.02 Credentialing Fair Hearing

+ Privacy and Security

5000.01 Privacy and Security Definitions
5001.01 Uses and Disclosures: For Treatment, Payment and Health Care Operations
5002.01 Uses and Disclosures Authorizations
5003.01 Uses and Disclosures: Opportunities for the Individual to Agree or Object
5004.01 Uses and Disclosures: No Permission Required
5005.01 Uses and Disclosures: Business Associates
5006.01 The Designated Record Set and Protected Health Information (PHI)
5007.01 Notice of Privacy Practices
5008.01 Minimum Necessary
5009.01 De-Identification
5010.01 Individual’s Right to Access
5011.00 Individual’s Right to Amendment of Protected Health Information
5012.01 Individual’s Right to an Accounting of Disclosures of PHI
5013.00 Individual Right to Restrict Uses & Disclosures of Protected Health Information
5014.00 Individuals Right to Confidential Communications
5015.00 Administrative Requirements - Documentation
5016.00 Physical Safeguards
5017.00 Training of Workforce
5018.00 Administrative Safeguards – Security Management Process and Security Incident Procedures
5019.00 Administrative Safeguards – Workforce Security Process and Security Incident Procedures
5020.00 Administrative Safeguards – Contingency Planning Process and Security Incident Procedures
5021.00 Technical Safeguards – Access Control Process and Security Incident Procedures
5022.00 Technical Safeguards – Audit Controls and Internal Audit Process and Security Incident Procedures
5023.00 Privacy and Security
5024.00 Breach Notification – Protected Health Information Process and Security Incident Procedures
5025.00 Use and Disclosure of PHI for Serious Threat
5026.00 Oversight of Protected Health Information
5027.00 Computer and Information Security
5028.00 Reporting Compliance Concern
5029.00 Password Protection Procedure
5030.00 Sanctions
5031.00 Handling and Disposing of Returned Mail Containing PHI
5032.00 Removal of PHI From Office
5033.00 PHI Data Transmission Policy

+ Clinical

6000.01 Utilization Management Requirements
6002.02 Substance Use Disorder Interim Services
6003.01 Utilization Mangement & Monitoring
6004.01 Authorization of Behavioral Health Outpatient & Inpatient Services
6005.00 Individual Transfer & Coordination of Care
6006.00 Coordination of Care with External Health Care Providers
6008.01 Engaging of High Need Individuals at Risk of Prematurely Terminating Services
6009.05 Toll-Free Crisis Line Services
6010.05 Crisis Services General Policy
6011.00 Crisis Response Service System (CRSS) Regional Oversight
6012.01 Practice Guidelines
6013.01 State General Funds and Mental Health Block Grant Funding Plan
6014.02 Availability and Sufficiency of Services
6015.01 SABG Priority Populations and Waiting Lists
6016.02 Tribal Coordination
6017.02 Criminal Justice Treatment Account (CJTA) Funding
6018.02 Assistance with Medicaid Enrollment
6019.04 Medicaid Eligibility Verification
6020.02 Translation & Interpretation Services
6021.02 Provider Network Selection, Capacity, & Management
6022.01 Reasonable Accommodation
6023.03 Cultural & Linguistic Competence
6024.02 Administrative Policy for Involuntary Treatment Act
6025.02 Jail Transition
6026.02 Less Restrictive Alternative (LRA), Conditional Release (CR), & Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT) Monitoring
6027.02 Alien Emergency Medical Inpatient Psychiatric Admissions
6028.02 Telemedicine
6029.01 Crisis, Emergency, & Post-Stabilization Care
6030.04 Designated Crisis Responders
6032.01 Care Management & Coordination
6033.03 Non-Medicaid Services, General Fund State & Federal Block Grant
6034.01 Level of Care Guidelines
6035.01 Mobile Rapid Response Crisis Team

+ Rights and Responsibilities

7000.02 Grievance and Appeal System
7001.01 Ombuds Services
7002.02 Individual Rights and Responsiblities

+ Quality Management

8000.01 Identifying Service Trends
8001.01 Continuous Quality Improvement
8002.00 Performance Improvement Program

+ Employment

9001.00 Purpose & At-Will-Employment
9002.00 Reasonable Accommodations
9003.00 Equal Employment Opportunity & Harrassment
9004.00 Diversity
9005.00 Recruitment & Selection
9006.00 Safety & Health
9007.00 Job Classification Plan
9008.00 Compensation Plan
9009.00 Salary Adminstration
9010.00 Work Schedules, Work Hours & Work Location
9011.01 Benefits
9012.00 Leave of Absence
9013.00 General Employment Standards
9014.00 Corrective Employment Action
9015.00 Complaint Resolution
9016.00 Seperation from Service
9018.00 Vehicle Use
9020.00 Personnel Files & Employment Information
9021.00 Whistleblower

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