Great Rivers BH-ASO provide funding to local behavioral health agencies to deliver the following services:

Mobile Crisis Outreach Services

Mobile Crisis Outreach Teams are available to help those in the community experiencing a crisis due to mental illness and/or substance use issues. They provide assistance in community settings such as home and schools. They are professionals trained to evaluate a person for safety, de-escalate a crisis, and provide information and education. They also refer people to community behavioral health services for additional support within available resources.


Ombuds Services

Ombuds services are available to help people with concerns and complaints about the behavioral health services they have received. Call Toll Free 1-800-366-3103 or locally at (360) 292-5038.


The Program for Assertive Community Treatment (PACT) / Flexible Assertive Community Treatment (FACT)

PACT offers personalized support to people with mental health needs who require more intensive services. This program is available to patients being discharged from Western State Hospital who do not have Medicaid coverage. An Ombuds may assist you in working with the Provider Agency to report and resolve your problem.


Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (PATH)

PATH is a homeless outreach project in Cowlitz county. PATH connects homeless individuals and families to community resources such as housing, Veterans benefits, and behavioral health treatment.


Peer Bridger Program

The Peer Bridger program serves people who are currently at Western or Eastern State Hospitals. Peer Bridgers act as role models, peer supports, mentors, teachers, advocates, and allies as they communicate hope and encouragement before and after the person’s discharge.


Opioid Outreach Services

Opioid Outreach workers provide outreach and screening. They facilitate and help people to access treatment services and housing. They help with services needed for those who experience an Opioid overdose reversal, and who are admitted to the hospital due to an opioid overdose. They also help individuals referred by law enforcement and other first responders.


Jail Transition Services

Jail Transition Services help persons in local jails successfully return to the community.


Housing and Recovery Peer Support (HARPS)

HARPS is a short-term subsidy for securing or maintaining housing for individuals discharging from inpatient mental health or SUD residential settings, as well as other individuals who meet HARPS criteria and are in/approaching a housing crisis.


Family, Youth & System Partner Round Table (FYSPRT)

The Family, Youth & System Partner Round Table (FYSPRT) is a platform for family, youth, and other community stakeholders to come together in a collaborative and strength based environment. Together, we will build a collective community voice regarding decisions made around Children’s Behavioral Health Services in Washington State. The round table will provide an equitable forum where we will discuss ideas to strengthen sustainable community resources and address individualized behavioral health needs of children, youth and families.