Translation and Interpreter Services
Persons who need help from an interpreter or who need to have informational materials translated into their own language can get help free of charge.
Everyone receiving Crisis Services and non-Medicaid Behavioral Health Services funded by the Great Rivers Behavioral Health Administrative Services Organization (Great Rivers BH-ASO) have a right to and will have equal access to interpreter services free of charge in their preferred language other than English. Interpreter services includes providing interpreters for persons who are deaf or hearing impaired, including American Sign Language (ASL).
The Great Rivers BH-ASO contracted BHAs provider will coordinate in-person and telephone interpretation. For persons who are deaf or hearing impaired, telephone translation through the Health Care Authority is available. All Behavioral Health Agencies (BHAs) are required to provide in-person interpreting services including interpreting services for those who are deaf or hearing impaired.
The Great Rivers BH-ASO will provide written materials translated to Spanish and other language translations as needed and requested in the person’s preferred language. All BHAs are required to provide translation of written materials.
Translation of written materials in other forms include:
Audio format.
Oral interpretation by reading the material to the person.
Providing the material in another format acceptable to the person.
Providing materials in English if preferred by the person.
How do I get an interpreter?
Let your provider know you need an interpreter when you schedule your appointment. Your health care provider will reach out to Health Care Authority’s (HCA) interpreter services to schedule an interpreter. All interpreter services are provided through an HCA-approved vendor. No additional action or cost is required by you.